CEO Francesca Bortolotto Possati makes the announcement: “Once more the Bauer weaves innovation with tradition by placing chef Ribaldone at the helm of its restaurant.”

 Francesca Bortolotto Possati, CEO and president of the Hotel Bauer Palazzo in Venice, has announced a partnership with Chef Andrea Ribaldone to manage the food service of this five-star institution on the lagoon. The Bauer signed a contract with JAR, a hospitality consulting firm headed by the chef and entrepreneur Ribaldone, of the Michelin star-rated I Due Buoi of Alessandria, for the management of the Bauer’s restaurant. Alessio Loppoli will be the resident chef, steering the restaurant’s kitchen and culinary program under Ribaldone’s direction and signature.

“I decided to entrust the Bauer Palazzo’s restaurant to chef Ribaldone and his team after having savored his cuisine and affirmed the shared standards that have forever distinguished the culinary offerings of the Bauer, open to innovation but loyal to its roots on the lagoon”, said Bortolotto Possati.

“Indeed, we believe in continuing to offer our international guests the essential, indispensable culture imprint of the true Venetian lifestyle.”

Ribaldone said he is honored by the opportunity. “I am happy to be able to engage in an exchange with Venice” he said. “The hotel Bauer stands for tradition, elegance and sophistication, forever in the imagination of those in the hospitality business as a venue of an incomparable charm. Moreover, I have always wanted to work in a city such as Venice, as fascinating as it is complex. The Venetian oeno-culinary tradition is expanding; many chefs who are friends have arrived here; and it will be exciting for me to engage with them and the visitors to the city.”