Brand New Commission Free Booking Site & Online Education Centre for the Hospitality Industry Launches Today

Two small B&B owners/entrepreneurs are launching a new commission free portal and online education centre for the hospitality industry, designed to provide a streamlined experience for owners worldwide, and allow them access to cutting edge marketing practices that could massively increase profits.

Surrey B&B owner Steve Driver and fellow Brit living in France, B&B owner, Yvonne Halling are passionate about educating especially the small hospitality industry who find themselves seriously disadvantaged since the internet arrived.

Steve, together with his wife, Julie own Park Row B&B in Farnham, Surrey and noticed a gap in the market for a cost effective and integrated booking process for the small operators.

At the same time Yvonne Halling who runs Les Molyneux in the Champagne region of France had been coaching and mentoring other B&B owners and got fed up hearing the same stories over and over again from her clients, who have little access to marketing systems and processes, to position themselves correctly in the market place.

Steve and Yvonne met online when she refused him access to her private group on Linked In! Steve protested and they soon found out that they had a lot in common, so decided to meet. Together they have developed Stayin.Town which is a commission free online booking site, featuring bespoke technology as well as a one-of-a-kind online learning centre for the hospitality industry.

Their crowdfunding campaign will begin soon.

Steve says that we aim to create a business that we, as accommodation owners can all purchase a share in, one that not only has its own commission free portal, but one that has cutting edge technology and training in place to help you manage the internet maze, reduce your dependence on the OTA’s and increase your profits.

Simply register your accommodation with and take the first step in changing the way we all do business!”

Yvonne says that the crucial marketing systems that all small hospitality businesses need and the education on how to deploy them are glaringly missing from the market place today. Through our one-of-a-kind online elearning centre with personalized and group coaching and mentoring, we aim to change that now.