Hill Hassall Botanics, The Eucalyptus Beverage Company, discovered a novel way to infuse a sophisticated Eucalyptus essence into a rejuvenating, everyday drink. The one word that came back over and over again at tasting events was “refreshing.” The bubbles in sparkling water served to amplify the aromatic qualities of the Eucalyptus globulus leaves and in Hill Hassall Botanics’ signature drink, The Refresher, they really deliver.
The Refresher is one measure Hill Hassall Botanics’ Eucalyptus cordial, five measures sparkling water and a wedge of lime or cucumber to garnish. Eucalyptus is a pleasant surprise on the palette: cleansing, moreish, delicate and novel. Easy to make and a unique taste to enjoy and present to guests. Fantastic after exercise or when winding down in the evening. At 50ml a serving and a 1:5 blend with sparkling water The Refresher costs just over £1 per 300ml serving.
Mature Eucalyptus globulus leaves are harvested by hand in a purpose-planted Eucalyptus grove at Ventnor Botanic Garden on the Isle of Wight, so for those that want to know where their products come from, we can trace the special flavour straight back to the grove. The botanic garden on the Isle of Wight has the largest outdoor collection of Eucalyptus in the U.K. Eucalyptus grows particularly well in the microclimate there which is 5oC hotter than the U.K. mainland. As ash, elm and oak disappear from the U.K. landscape, we may see more and more Eucalypts in U.K. gardens and woodlands.

The Refresher is not only a great new taste, it is good for you. 1.8-cineole or Eucalyptol is a natural organic compound found in Eucalyptus globulus. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been proven clinically effective in treating upper and lower respiratory tract diseases. When we look to plants used medicinally by indigenous people, we often find an effective, if out of use, medicine chest. The Aborigines used Eucalyptus to alleviate skin, joint and lung conditions. Indeed, Eucalyptus finds its way into many modern-day products. Many medicinal herbalists count Eucalyptus as a core plant remedy.
Beyond The Refresher mixologists have found Hill Hassall Botanics’ Eucalyptus cordial to be a versatile mixer, an exciting addition to a classic G&T, a Mojito, a boost for juices like orange, cranberry and apple. Everyone likes a unique new refreshing taste whether competing for Cocktail of the Year or just making that breakfast orange juice more appealing.
Available on hillhassall.co.uk.