7 Ways to Encourage Hospitality Businesses to Reopen Safely in July

Since the temporary lockdown across the UK at the end of March, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve seen closure of our businesses within the hospitality sector for several months. With the UK government’s phased approach of easing lockdown restrictions slowly unfolding, the announcement came that hospitality businesses could see themselves trading again from 4 July in England at the earliest, dependent on the R number and the rate of infections. As reopening dates vary slightly in other parts of the UK, venues in Scotland are looking at 15 July and Northern Ireland, an earlier date of 3 July. The Welsh government is still yet to propose a date.Working towards potential reopening dates in July, UK hospitality business owners, along with their suppliers are having to take a huge financial risk preparing for reopening their doors in July, in the knowledge that timings could be pushed back.

Hospitality venue owners already in financial crisis, now need to make the necessary decisions, investments and plans to bring their staff back from furlough and prepare to meet the stringent health and safety guidelines set in place, to protect their employees and customers from spreading the virus

Environmental Health and Trading Standards officers will monitor compliance with the regulations, supported by police. With this said, here are seven vital pieces of advice to consider, helping to ensure a successful and safe return for hospitality businesses over the coming weeks and months.

Step 1: Closely monitor government guidelines

Stay aware of all government updates (which you can find here) and do not reopen any premises until you feel confident that it is safe for both your staff and your customers. Closely monitor official advice and make your decisions accordingly.

Step 2: Install social distancing floor stickers

When the doors of your hospitality venue can once again be opened to customers, you’ll need to keep some strict social distancing rules in place. Floor stickers are a great way to draw people’s attention and explain visually where they are safe to stand whilst in your venue and queuing to enter through your doors.

Step 3: Limit the number of people in the venue

You should also restrict the number of people who can be in your venue at any given time. Take similar measures to supermarkets and other food retailers and implement a one-in one-out system to avoid crowding. To cope with large volumes of customers queuing outside your premises, consider putting barriers and security officers in place, to help safely manage and monitor queues.

Step 4: Provide your staff with PPE equipment if appropriate

To ensure an extra level of health and safety, provide your employees with PPE equipment such as gloves and face masks. Simple fabric face masks will be better than nothing if you have any difficulty sourcing official PPE.

Step 5: Make hand sanitisers available and other cleanliness reminders

Make sure that you have plenty of hygiene resources placed around your venue, available to your customers and staff members. You could also put up health and safety advice posters for extra reminders.

Step 6: Only accept contactless payments

Another thing that many businesses are changing is how they take payments. Only taking contactless payments is a good way to minimise contact and maintain social distancing between your staff and customers. If you haven’t already, be sure to get a contactless payment system up and running.

Step 7: Consider who is essential to be on your premises

In the UK government’s official guidance (published on the 11th May), it was stated that all businesses should carefully consider who is essential to be working inside your venue. If you have staff who work behind the scenes, in administration or marketing roles, don’t encourage them to return to the premises unless you feel it is essential.

Going above and beyond for your staff and customers is of the utmost importance, and if this is conducted smoothly, businesses can continue working towards remaining Covid-secure after they reopen.

In relation to the reopening of businesses in the hospitality sector, Gary Peeling, Chief Executive Officer at Where The Trade Buys, a print company who have created many new health and safety products to enable a safe return to public spaces, said: “With shared spaces gradually reopening, businesses in the hospitality sector will require numerous health and safety products to ensure the safeguarding of their staff, customers and suppliers. Before doors reopen, careful planning will be needed in order to keep the necessary protective equipment in place and to monitor health and safety measures for customers and employees.”

This article was researched by UK print company Where The Trade Buys, currently producing PPE for UK hospitality venues, retail stores, workplaces, education spaces, charity shops, the NHS and more. The company has also been involved in manufacturing face visors for NHS essential workers in the fight against Covid-19.





