Long-term relief from long-haul travel

Long-term relief from long-haul travel

Frequent trips, long-haul flights and time changes can all affect your health. But the gruelling effects of jetlag can also easily allow you to miss other tell-tale signs of an exhausted mind and body. Low mood, increased appetite or unusual swelling and discomfort. These are just some of the symptoms of health issues, which can become aggravated by frequent travel.

Discover some of the state-of-the-art BioTechnology below that’s designed to help combat long-haul travel fatigue, while boosting your wellbeing.

Recover from low oxygen quality in a Hyperbaric Oxygen Pod

Simultaneously bathing the body and mind in increased oxygen, the Hyperbaric Oxygen Pod helps you combat the effects of low air pressure and poor oxygen quality in aeroplanes. Reviving at a cellular level, the technology enhances immune function, reduces inflammation and swelling, and replenishes the body.

Detox your body and mind with Lymphatic Boots

Helping to prevent DVT, Lymphatic Boots target pressure points in legs and feet to relieve the body of aches and discomfort. By stimulating the lymphatic drainage system, the body rids itself of toxins and waste. As circulation is enhanced, symptoms of jetlag dissipate, allowing you to feel restored and re-energised.

Heal the effects of EMF using the BioCharger

Travelling at high altitudes increases exposure to natural radiation, including various types of Electromagnetic Frequencies. Affecting your nervous system, continuous exposure can lead to more serious health risks. Remove harmful frequencies with the BioCharger; a revolutionary frequency tool designed to regenerate the mind and body by targeting these specific concerns, revitalising the body from within.

Rebalance your biological system

Whether you’ve just arrived from a long-haul flight and need to recharge, or hope to find a better balance between your journeys, the pioneering BioTech at Grey Wolfe can help elevate your wellbeing. Alongside revolutionary BioTech such as their Lymphatic Boots, Hyperbaric Oxygen Pod and BioCharger, their philosophy offers a careful blend of state-of-the-art healing which also incorporates BioTouch and ancient wisdom to create unique wellbeing solutions, designed to help members find BioHarmony.

Immerse in a holistic approach to long-haul flight recovery and self-healing

If you’d like to enquire about Grey Wolfe’s long-haul travel treatments, contact [email protected] to book your complimentary discovery session today. Make your next departure one you can truly enjoy.