App streamlines menus for restaurant owners and allergy sufferers

App streamlines menus for restaurant owners and allergy sufferers

An innovative app allowing restaurant owners to manage allergens is set to revolutionise the hospitality industry.

The app allows businesses to provide accurate and reliable dietary information to their customers.

Customers with specific food preferences and requirements can access the app to select dishes and establishments which align with their allergies and intolerances.

The simple-to-use app mitigates the risk to restaurants and is the easiest way to ensure compliance with food safety and government allergy regulations.

National chains including Bannatyne Health Clubs are already using the app to improve allergy response and information across their UK locations.

The UK has some of the highest prevalence rates of allergic conditions in the world, with two million people estimated to be living with a diagnosed food allergy, and 600,000 with Coeliac Disease.

Now solutions like Allergy Menu will take the pain away from businesses and allow customers to check allergens easily before ordering.

The user-friendly interface allows customers to conveniently access the allergy menu through the website, mobile phone, or app.

Currently, UK law requires restaurants to display a paper-based food allergy chart. These are often missed by customers and leave room for error.

The Allergy Menu app reduces the risk of errors, allows customers to search for specific allergies and is easy for restaurant owners to update in real time.

Juliet Moran, founder of `said: “Allergy Menu makes demonstrating compliance with the law easy to achieve, while also providing a platform to advertise a menu to customers so they can confidently make safe choices.

“Restaurant owners have a legal duty of care towards their customers, so if they fail in their duty of care in any way they could be sued for an allergic reaction.

“In a worst-case scenario, they could even be imprisoned for manslaughter if a customer made their allergic reaction known to staff.

“Navigating allergens is a real problem for restaurateurs and food providers – it is challenging to track ever-changing menus and communicate them safely and effectively to customers.

“Providing higher levels of transparency will not only show that businesses care about their patrons’ welfare but will also encourage new customers.

“The app is simple to use and accessible for everyone within the business as well as prospective customers hoping to browse the menu from home.

“It can be incredibly hard for businesses in the hospitality industry to keep on top of allergen information and safely communicate it with their customers.

“The digital allergy menu was designed to offer searchable, real-time allergen information for those with different dietary requirements, including vegans and vegetarians.

“Not only will it revolutionise the customer experience, but it will also reduce front-of-house staff mistakes and ensure allergen menus are always accurate and up to date.”

