- Three in five (59%) Brits would pick a cake – not a pudding – as their all-time favourite sweet treat.
- Controversially, cheesecake is picked as the nation’s favourite ‘cake.’
- Puddings have had their day among the under-25s, who overwhelmingly prefer cakes.
Puddings have been a feature of this week, with British Pudding Day marked on Thursday*. However, the Delicious Dessert Company has revealed a twist that could potentially upset the apple (pie) cart.
Asking a nationally representative sample of more than 2,000 people to choose just one sweet treat as their all-time favourite, the results showed that 59% would opt for a cake, while only 38% would opt for a pudding. (An additional 3% say they don’t like sweet treats).
The survey indicates a strong regional divide in dessert preferences. Love for cakes was most strongly felt in the North East and North West, where in both instances 63% opted for a cake (compared with just 32% who would pick a pudding). Meanwhile, the South East was the region that was most likely to opt for a pudding (44%).
Cheesecake takes the biscuit
When it comes to the type of cake, the data reveals some contentious findings. Cheesecake was the top choice, sparking debates over its status as a ‘cake’. Around a quarter of cake lovers (25%) said they would class this as their No. 1 favourite. Following closely was the evergreen chocolate cake, a favourite for 22% of cake aficionados.
Meanwhile, for puddings, the ever-classic apple crumble emerged as the reigning champion – the go-to for 24% of pudding lovers.
Cake is king for the kids
Young people were significantly more likely to opt for a cake if they had to choose, compared to older people. A whopping 71% of those under 25 would opt for a cake, while just 22% would choose a pudding.
Chocolate cake (30%), cheesecake (20%), and red velvet (15%) were the top options for this age group, while apple crumble was the runaway winner among those over 65 (30%).
Claire Smith, Head of Insight at the Delicious Dessert Company comments: “Whether it’s cakes, puddings, or desserts, Brits love their sweet treats. We’re not surprised that cheesecake tops the list—along with éclairs and yum-yums, it’s a product we’re working on at the Delicious Dessert Company. Many of the most popular flavours, such as chocolate and sticky toffee, have also been big hits with us over the last year. One thing we’ve noticed is that while many classic cakes remain popular, the younger generation finds many of the traditional flavours and fillings a bit boring. That’s why our creative chefs are busy cooking up new, exciting flavour combinations to give old classics a modern twist. And we’ll have new products hitting the shelves in the countdown to Christmas.”
The nation’s favourite sweet treats
- Puddings 38%
- Cakes 59%
- Do not like sweet treats 3%
Favourites among pudding lovers:
- Apple Crumble 24%
- Sticky toffee pudding 18%
- Tiramisu 18%
- Fresh cream eclairs 13%
- Trifle 11%
- Knickerbocker glory 5%
- Spotted Dick 5%
- Rice pudding 5%
- Blancmange 0%
Favourites among cake lovers
- Cheesecake 25%
- Chocolate Cake 22%
- Lemon Drizzle cake 10%
- Victoria sponge 8%
- Carrot Cake 8%
- Red velvet cake 8%
- Fruit cake 7%
- Yum yums/Donut 5%
- Battenberg 3%
- Marble cake 2%
About The Delicious Dessert Company
The Delicious Dessert Company is the new name in luscious desserts, injecting an exciting twist into traditional favourites for a new generation. The first three eclair products are available in Sainsbury’s, Asda, Morrison’s and Tesco stores. With summer approaching, The Delicious Dessert Co chefs have been toiling away over their mixing bowls and melting pots to conjure up some delectable delights for people’s taste buds. There could be a fruity one, there could be a creamy one, there may be a crazy one and they’ll be in store soon for people to snap up, before someone else gets their hands on them.
The Delicious Dessert Company brand is owned by Bakkavor Group.
Instagram: @deliciousdessertco