New pilot ready to launch when allowed to re-open events in near future.
Circular1 Health, the COVID-19 mass testing services business, has welcomed The Prime Minister’s support of mass testing to open up the beleaguered hospitality sector, and has developed a pilot that could soon see the re-opening of events including weddings, festivals, sports and other leisure activities in the near future.
Stuart MacLennan, CEO of Circular1 Health, believes the accuracy of its testing services is vital to providing the peace of mind that the hospitality sector needs: “We work with a number of mission-critical businesses and the incredible degree of accuracy we can achieve can be easily transferred into the hospitality sector to give the protection and confidence that event organisers will be looking for,” he says.
“We are fully behind the Prime Minister who clearly recognises the role that a mass testing service can play in getting the UK back to business and in particular, giving the hospitality and leisure sector the boost it so desperately needs.”
Circular1 Health works with a number of mission-critical businesses across the nuclear, defence and energy sectors to deliver LAMP/PCR tests in series to provide a very high degree of accuracy (99.995%), which means the risk of a false positive is extremely rare (at 1 in 20,000 tests conducted) whilst the false negative rate is vanishingly low due the extremely high ‘gain’ in the LAMP reaction.
“Our corporate customers trust us because of the integrity of our fully managed testing services and we believe we are perfectly placed to bring the same degrees of phenomenal accuracy and trust to the hospitality sector.
“To win the fight against COVID-19 and create the economic and financial turnaround we all desire, we must ensure that both the false positive and false negatives rates are the lowest they can possibly be.”