HEINEKEN has expanded its on-trade support resource with a new series of webinars, offering expert advice to operators on navigating lockdown. Called ‘Keg Talks’, the interviews see independent speakers and operators share their advice on areas ranging from government grants and advice on furlough, to ideas on how to adapt your business for delivery or takeaway. Each of the bite-size, 20-minute webinars are accessible in video and audio formats.

The episodes are hosted on the newly launched The Pub Collective site, open to the entire on-trade as an online resource for advice, government guidance and inspirational stories to support them throughout lockdown.Operators visiting The Pub Collective can submit questions to the expert speakers ahead of the interviews, which will then be addressed on the webinar. Alternatively, operators who have specific topics on which they’d like advice, can submit their requests here. HEINEKEN will then aim to source expert guests on that topic and will open questions ahead of the webinar recording to visitors of The Pub Collective.

Stephen Watt, on-trade sales director at Heineken UK, says: “As a business, we’re striving to do everything we can to support the On Trade during these difficult times. Part of this process is creating an open dialogue between us and our customers or licensees to identify the areas in which they need advice. The launch of this new series of webinars enables us to gather that feedback from operators and address their questions with independent experts.”

The first in the series features Vandana Dass – MD of Davenport Solicitors – who sheds light on the technicalities around furlough, as well as information on government grants and loans. With re-opening conditions still being drawn up, the next two in the series offer advice from Michele Civiera – MD of Civerinos – and Sam Ulph – CEO of e-commerce site, StarStock – on creating additional revenue streams through food delivery or takeaway services, both during and post lockdown.

Alongside the webinars, key tips and advice from each of the experts can be found here.