These are the words of Massimo Caiazzo*, chromatic design expert, researcher who combines academic experience with the “sensitive” design of light and colour.
“Recent discoveries have shown that our reaction to colour is comprehensive, both from a physiological and psychological point of view, and can positively and negatively affect our general psychophysical well-being. Considering colour only an aesthetic factor, reducing it to a phenomenon linked to personal interpretation, is counterproductive. Colours enhance places and products in their social, cultural, and market aspects. A balanced chromatic climate contributes to improving our quality of life by facilitating our daily actions. Colours, in fact, influence the perception of temperature, taste, sound, volume, weight, and time.”
Certainly a complex topic that makes us understand how we must pay close attention to colour, in any field.
In 2020, Diemmebi has introduced new shades in several collections designed both for community environments (offices or public spaces) and outdoor ones (URBANTIME by Diemmebi). A choice not only for decorative purposes, but to approach the increasing need to ensure well-being in the workplace and meeting spaces.
Ecco quindi che le recenti collezioni MakeUp e Cortina.026 entrambe disegnate dallo studio Basaglia+Rota Nodari si arricchiscono delle colorazioni RAL Golden Yellow e Distant Blue. So here are the recent MakeUp and Cortina.026 collections, both designed by the Basaglia+Rota Nodari Studio, now enriched with the RAL colours Golden Yellow and Distant Blue.
Diemmebi thus demonstrates, in addition to the usual vocation for creating shapes for the right ergonomic performance, new refinement and attention. A cosier environment will certainly be impactful and can only have positive general effects.
*President of IACC Italia, Vice president of IACC (International Association of Colour Consultants) founded in Hilversum in 1957 and mentioned by the Munsell Foundation as one of the four best colour schools in the world. Designer, Colour Consultant, professor of Colour Design at SPD (Polytechnic School of Design, Milan), from 1990 to 2006 he collaborated with Atelier Mendini of Milan.