Bohemia Bar & Restaurant provides unrivalled Michelin Star dining in the heart of Jersey. Head Chef Steve Smith, who has held a Michelin Star for over 15 years from the age of just 24, has created a truly outstanding dining experience with his ingredient and flavour driven tasting menus. Bohemia was recently listed as the best restaurant in Jersey in Square Meal’s Top 100 Best Restaurants 2016.
Opening Large Oysters
- When working with large oysters, that are too big to fit snugly in the palm of the hand, start by laying them on a cloth on the work surface with another cloth on top. (The curved shell should be underneath)
- Insert the oyster-knife point as close to the hinge as possible. Work it in to a depth of about 2cm.
- Once the knife is in, pick up the oyster so the rounded shell sits in the flat of the hand. Twist the knife downwards and inwards to loosen the two shells and separate them at the hinge.
- The meat is attached to the top shell by an adductor muscle. Move the blade along the top (flat) shell and loosen the oyster from it without cutting into the fleshy part.
- At this point oyster and oyster juices will sit in the rounded shell as though in a cup. Discard the flat shell.
Washing oysters and clarifying the juices
- As you open each muscle empty the juices into a bowl, expect about 200ml juice from 10-12 large oysters.
- Pass the juice through the finest sieve and reserve.
- Rinse the oysters in this juice to remove any grit or traces of shell.
- Take them out of this liquid and reserve.
- Sieve the juice again and store for the sauce, the poaching emulsion and the oyster mayonnaise – about 350ml in all.
Oyster Velouté Recipe
Ingredients (Serves 8)
- 60g finely diced shallots
- 100ml Noilly Prat
- 100g Oyster Juices
- 120g Fresh Oysters
- 200ml Double Cream
- 200ml Crème Fraîche
- 40ml Chardonnay Vinegar
- Lemon Juice and Salt to taste
- Put the shallots and Noilly Pratt into a medium-sized pan. Reduce by half over a gentle heat so that the shallots become transparent.
- Add half of the oyster juice and half the oysters.
- Bring back to the boil and reduce by a quarter.
- Add double cream and crème fraîche then bring back to the boil, take off the heat and blend.
- Return to the pan and add the remaining oyster juices and oysters. Bring to the boil and take off the heat.
- Add Chardonnay vinegar and blend.
- Pass the sauce through a fine sieve.
- Add lemon and salt as necessary.
Oyster Emulsion
- 20g Seaweed butter
- 60g Finely sliced shallots
- 100ml Noilly Prat
- 120g Raw Oyster
- 100ml Oyster juice
- 120g Raw Oyster
- 40ml Champagne vinegar
- 200ml Double cream
- 200ml Creme Fraiche
- A Pinch of salt
- Lemon juice
- In a saucepan, combine the shallots and Noilly Prat. Reduce by half over a medium heat. Add half the oysters and oyster juice and reduce by 1/4. Add the cream and creme fraiche, cover in cling film and leave to steep for 20 minutes.
- Add the remaining oyster, juice and the seaweed butter. Place in a blender and blend till smooth. Pass through a chinois and add the vinegar. Season with salt and a little lemon juice if required.
Oyster Poaching Liquid
- 100 ml Champagne
- 100ml Oyster juice
- 25g Seaweed butter
- Warm all the ingredients to 62°C.
Oyster tapioca
- 50g cooked tapioca
- 50ml oyster veloute
- 2 tbspn finely chopped cucumber
- 1 tbspn finely chopped fennel cress/dill
- 5-10ml Yuzu juice
- Salt
- Warm the oyster veloute and tapioca, mix thoroughly. Allow to cool. Add all the other ingredients and season.
Cucumber pickle
- 1/4 cucumber finely diced
- 2 normal shallots finely chopped
- 1 tbspn chopped dill/fennel
- 3 tbspn white balsamic vinegar
- Place the cucumber into a vac bag with the vinegar and vac on the highest setting. Open straight away and drain the vinegar. Lay on a blue cloth to drain for a few minutes.
- Place in a small bowl and mix in the shallot and fennel fronds. Keep at room temperature.
- Place a little pickle on each oyster when serving.
Bohemia Bar & Restaurant, Green Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4UH, Channel Islands
For reservations please call: 01534 880 588 or visit www.bohemiajersey.com