Tea brand t plus launch new partnership with charity Vitamin Angels to distribute essential vitamins to vulnerable women and children across the world

Tea brand t plus launch new partnership with charity Vitamin Angels to distribute essential vitamins to vulnerable women and children across the world.

Tea brand t plus drinks have announced a brand re launch. Alongside newly packaged products they have committed to a major new charitable partnership. With every box of t plus tea sold, t plus will make a donation of £0.10 to Vitamin Angels, a charity that provides lifesaving vitamins to mothers and children under five at risk of malnutrition. This is with an aim to reduce preventable illness, blindness, and death to create a healthier world. The partnership launched by t plus is to raise awareness of life saving vitamins, to complement their range of vitamin enriched green teas launched earlier this year.

t plus drinks founder said of the announcement ‘ We are really proud to support Vitamin Angels, who are a fantastic charity that we’ve known of and wanted to support a long time. As a company that creates a unique range of vitamin enriched teas, designed to offer something new, healthy and convenient, we like to call our drinks ‘the smarter tea’. We like to think we make a smarter tea because they taste good and do you some good, but we also wanted to use them in a mission to ‘share the health’ and support Vitamin Angels. In doing this we didn’t want to donate an unclear % of profits or vague future commitment. We wanted to show our commitment with a clean, clear donation message. It costs Vitamin Angels around £0.20 to provide life saving Vitamin A supplements to one child for a whole year. That’s why we donate £0.10 per box of t plus sold, therefore 2 boxes of t plus equate to one year of vitamin A for one child. Simple.’

Vitamin Angels founded in 1994 recognised the necessity of providing nutritional support in the crucial time of a child’s development. Last year more than 230 million doses of vitamin supplements were given to mothers and children as young as 6 months old. Therefore the support by t plus is hoping to increase that figure and deplete the number of people affected. With the help of technical partners WHO and UNICEF, Vitamin Angels has reached 54 countries around the world.
The four t plus teas that carry the new charity partnership message on pack are t+boost, t+immunitea, t+detox and t+multea. All teas are blended with 9 daily essential vitamins, as well as a bespoke blend of herbs and fruit to give a great tasting, functional tea.