The speaker platform for the 2015 CESA Conference is set to deliver an insightful, topical, influential and entertaining programme. This year’s theme, ‘Teamwork Makes Great Business’, underlines the increasing collaboration between manufacturers, suppliers and operators to meet the challenges the industry faces and, once again, CESA is running the Conference in association with the FCSI and the BHA, in addition to the Cedabond and ENSE buying groups
The Conference focus will be very much on the business of the foodservice market, and specifically the influence of current trends, drivers and legislation relating to the foodservice sector, with specific items related to catering equipment. It also delivers the opportunity to network with some of the leading players, including manufacturers, distributors, consultants and operators.
The organisers have scored a major coup by persuading Evan Davis to be the 2015 Conference maître d’. One of the best known presenters and economic commentators on the BBC, Evan is currently to be seen on Newsnight and Dragon’s Den. As well as facilitating the event he’ll be delivering the first presentation of the day, with an incisive update on the economy.
Presentations include Martin Caraher, of City University, on food trends and their impact on equipment design; and an overview of public procurement by Darren Byford, Business Manager Food at YPO. Other high profile speakers will be announced in the near future.
This year’s keynote address should be a fascinating insight, from someone who has been at the very top of their game and from whom conference attendees can expect some serious whistle-blowing. Howard Webb was one of the most respected and well known top-flight football referees in the world. He retired in 2014 and until recently was performance director for England’s professional referees – he’s just become head of refereeing at the Saudi Arabian Football Federation.
The Conference will also give an update on CESABIM, presenting a wide range of new features designed to make it even easier for manufacturers to be part of the database and for designers to use it.
For more information and to book places visit cesaconference2015.co.uk or call 0845 108 5504.
The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment – from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit www.cesa.org.uk