With the coveted BCFA Award and 42 respected advisers in tow, the BCFA attended New Designers 2015 as part of their ‘Beyond Education’ campaign. Over the years New Designers has cemented itself as the most relevant and revered event for linking emerging design talent to commercial businesses and this year was yet another success.
The BCFA Award, with a prize consisting of a four week placement with BCFA member Nova Interiors, went to Jacob Underwood of Bucks New University for his innovative and contemporary Fiero Stacking Chairs. With last year’s winner now working as a designer for BRU Textiles Jacob is set to gain invaluable industry experience.
For the fourth year running the BCFA held advisory clinics with 42 respected advisers from several of their industry-leading member organisations including Brintons, Tektura, Marks & Spencer and Fameed Khalique himself. With over 300 students seen throughout the fortnight the one to one sessions, held in BCFA member Silent Gliss’ showroom, were a triumph. One student enthused it was ‘The best 15 minutes I have had with anyone’ while another said they received ‘Extremely useful information on various routes of sale’. It wasn’t just the students who were blown away by the experience; Paul Tanner, Senior Buyer at Marks & Spencer commented ‘I really enjoyed it. I’d be more than happy to do it again.’