Developers have now asked for permission to convert part of the historic Main Bridewell in Liverpool into a hotel, after previously being accused of already doing so without consent.
Approval was granted in January 2014 to turn the historic Cheapside building into student homes, but then the Grade-II property was transformed into a hotel with 85 bedrooms. It was only then that Liverpool council had to step in and urge the company behind the project, Jamworks, to apply for the correct permission and this has now finally been done.
Despite the approved planning permission for 15 student flats, the site was found, by the Liverpool Echo, to have been developed for use as a hotel and gym in May. At the time a council spokesman said: “Jamworks, the developers, have planning permission to convert the Bridewell into student flats. However, we understand they have converted two floors for use as a hotel. We have written to them to tell them they do not have permission for this and they have to rectify this immediately by applying for permission.”
It’s believed that an application to Liverpool city council’s planning department has now been submitted, requesting consent for the conversion of the former Main Bridewell Jailhouse into a 85-bed hotel. Documents associated with the bid are not yet publicly available. If no new submission had been made, the council would have been forced to decide whether enforcement action was necessary. A website announces the hotel, to be operated by a company called staycentral.com, will be “coming soon” to the Bridewell.