Food waste represents the largest part of our refuse that currently is still being sent to landfill. Every day, institutional and commercial kitchens across the UK, along with supermarkets and food producers, generate thousands of tonnes of costly food waste.
To tackle this problem USA based EnviroPure Systems has developed a fully automated, hyper-accelerated food waste decomposition system providing rapid break down and elimination of food waste on-site at the source. First Choice Catering Spares will be bringing the EPW system to the UK market and will be showcasing the technology at the RWM Exhibition at the NEC 16th – 18th September on Stand 4J05.
The ultimate solution in dealing with food waste is to reach a zero waste state where we no longer throw away food. While we continue to work towards this goal, the EnviroPure system offers a simple, easy to implement and economically attractive way to dispose of food waste: self-contained, small footprint, aerobic food waste decomposition system that eliminates food waste on-site where it is generated. Essentially the system breaks down the food waste in a submersed water-base environment producing a grey water bi-product that meets or exceeds regulatory standards for safe disposal into municipal waste water systems. The system uses a biodegradable BioMixTM additive, an all-natural vitamin extract (not bacteria or enzymes) to accelerate the decomposition process. The result: complete elimination of food waste in 24 hours. The system is available in a variation of sizes to suit different applications, with capacities ranging from 54kg up to more than 3000kg a day. It can be a stand-alone system or integrated into a building wide system with a central unit taking waste from remote stations installed in different parts of a building such as the dish wash and food prep areas.
First Choice has a long standing relationship with its US trading partner T & S Brass who acquired EnviroPure Systems in February 2013. The acquisition was the perfect complement to the T & S portfolio of water efficient products that include electronic faucets and pre-rinse spray units. Further development of the EPW system has seen reduced footprint, reduced power and now reduced water usage by recycling the grey water produced to continue the decomposition process. The EPW system has proven itself in a wide range of different catering facilities such as schools, prisons and restaurants across America.
For further information contact Martin Allen on 01543 577778 or email [email protected]