From 19-22 September, as part of this year’s designjunction, multi-award winning British designer, Steuart Padwick will showcase ‘Talk To Me’: a powerful and engaging two-piece interactive installation which will be situated along King’s Boulevard in King’s Cross. These large-scale works, standing over 5 metres high, are in support of the mental health anti-stigma campaign, Time to Change.
Light and sound elements will be incorporated into the installation by international consultants Hoare Lee, with a default breathing sound coming from each figure. When someone approaches one of the pieces from the front, they will trigger a proximity sensor and the “burden” will begin to crack and emit a glow of light. This cracked structure graphically lessens the weight and the piece will start to say some positive, uplifting words which have been specially written by a diverse cross section of people including notable poets and writers. Through ‘Talk To Me’, Padwick hopes to illustrate the importance of reaching out a hand to someone who is bearing the weight of an issue – through communication these burdens can be lessened.
“Many of us carry issues/burdens that hold us down and hold us back. For some, these are crippling, and for some even lead to taking their own lives. These burdens can start so young and appear insurmountable, unresolvable. But often communication is the key to unlocking the journey forward. Even when the burden is not overtly holding them down it is rarely far away. That is why one piece has the burden clearly on the shoulders, and with the other sitting piece, the burden is to one side – perhaps forgotten for a moment but always near”
– Steuart Padwick
“We know that being open about mental health, and ready to talk and to listen, can change lives. We’re thrilled to be supporting ‘Talk to Me’, which will act as an unmissable reminder of the power of hearing and being heard. You don’t have to be an expert to talk – just being human, empathetic and caring is enough.”
– Jo Loughran, Director of the mental health anti-stigma campaign Time to Change
“Steuart Padwick’s designs are both thought provoking and accessible, they have a natural scale and confidence that is sympathetic with the city while they still coming across as very human. It is this erudite combination that allows him to deal with serious issues in a way that opens and provokes a conversation that needs to be had around our mental health and wellbeing.”
– Marcel Baettig, CEO Bow Arts
designjunction is delighted to be welcoming Steuart Padwick back to this year’s show, following the success of last year’s installation ‘Head Above Water’ which overlooked the Thames on the Southbank. Created in support of Time To Change, ‘Head Above Water’ was welcomed to national-acclaim through it’s efforts to open up the conversation surrounding mental health.
Visit www.thedesignjunction.co.uk for more details.