Plans for new hotel in Aberdeen get the green light

A local council in Aberdeen has granted conditional planning approval to a new 210-bedroom hotel with conference facilities in the city. The proposed project is to form part of The Grande development of Drum Property Group and would be situated in the North Dee area of Aberdeen.

Alan Massie from Carlton Rock, which carried out an economic study of the proposal, suggests the project would provide around 250 full-time jobs in the hotel and also up to 400 jobs during a two-year construction phase, while generating millions of pounds in visitor spend annually. The hotel has the backing of Visit Aberdeen, the north-east tourism body, as well as Ramsay Milne, the planning development management convener councillor. Both believe that the hotel will fill a gap in the market in the area and give a huge fillip to Aberdeen as a desirable destination.

“The five star hotel will complement the existing recreational uses within Hazlehead Park,” declared Milne. “It will bring real economic and social benefits for the city by providing a riding centre, swimming pool, spa, restaurant and conference facilities.”Milne also dismissed fears from some that the development would have a negative environmental impact, given that the proposed site is on green belt land.

“Although the site is in the green belt, the development is well screened by surrounding woodland, while there would be little impact on the character of the green belt,” insisted Milne. Before full planning permission is granted, all parties will have to reach agreement on developer contributions towards things like local bus services and access roads.